

Mixiote is a small run family business based in San Francisco. Mixiote captures the flavors of Mexico in a very unique way that is rarely found in other types of Mexican food. The technique of marinating the selected protein or vegetables in our guajillo sauce and steam it with avocado and banana leaves is what gives our Mixiote that rustic and authentic flavor that defines this traditional dish.

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What is Mixiote?

Mixiote is a traditonal rustic Mexican dish done in special occasions. Because of its laborious preperation this dish is often difficult to find even in the vasts Mexcico City markets and restaurants.

Our mixiotes can be made from different types of proteins like beef, chicken, tofu and vegetables. This dish consists of marinanting and steaming our seleted protein in our special guajillo sauce.

The guajillo sauce is the traditonal method but we can also make our mixiote in our very own special green chilles sauce, which gives it different note of flavor.

This is then covered with avocado leaves and wrapped in banana leaves to keep the protein moist, flavorful and fork tender.

Tradionally, mixiotes were prepared with the parchment like paper that is removed from the maguey plant, incidentaly this parchment is called mixiote. Unfortutately, the process of removing the mixiote from the plant killed the maguey, which is why by Precidential drecree outlaws the commercial sale of it.

Mixiotes can be eaten on their own, prepared in tacos or appetaziers. They can be served as your main protein and accompanied with more tradtional side dishes like rice, beans or vegetables. We like to garnish our mixiotes with pickled onions, salsa and cilantro.

The distinct flavor of the mixiote is rarely found in most traditional Mexican food. Once you tried it you will be hooked!



